There are two major changes.

First, families should know that extra help for SNAP, or food stamps, ended. During the pandemic, the government provided extra SNAP benefits to help all families keep up food on the table. This March is the first month since 2020 that families will no longer see the extra SNAP. Every family will see their SNAP benefit decrease by at least $95. Moving forward, the amount that families receive will be based on their income level and other household expenses.

The second change begins on April 1st. That’s when Texas will start re-checking eligibility for Medicaid for millions of Texans. We are going to see many families lose coverage as early as June 1 and through the summer.

Eligibility checks are normally routine, and known as renewing your Medicaid. Since the pandemic began, most Texans have been able to stay on Medicaid even if they didn’t complete paperwork or were no longer eligible. Now, Texas Medicaid will start re-checking everyone’s eligibility, and families should expect to complete a renewal once a year moving forward. The process can be confusing and we’re worried families who still qualify may fall through the cracks because the state can’t find them—so if you’re listening, please help us spread the word.